
The Power of a Tolerations List

What are you tolerating in your business? In your life? Think of the things that irritate you, that could be eliminated, but you continue to put up with them.

Because we are wired to look for the negativity, a survivor skill left over from the earliest days of humans, this may be a very easy list for some of you to create.

If you are having trouble, try mentally walking through your day from the time you get up: bare feet on a cold floor, maybe a throw rug would be helpful. No brown belt to go with your brown pants? Put it on the list. You get the idea.

Take a walk through each room in your house, and note all the things you have been putting up with. It could be too much stuff, too much mess, or things in places that don’t make sense. Write it all down.

At work, things you tolerate could be as small as never having a pen with ink when you need one, not having a pencil sharpener, or a larger issue, such as not having enough training for the tasks you are expected to do. Maybe your job is not a good fit. Write them all on the list.

Once you have your master list, you can simply begin eliminating the problem. If you want to get more detailed, you can divide the list by time or money needed, or by linking items. The new throw rug and a brown belt can go on the next shopping list, along with new pens for your desk.

The power of a tolerations list is that issues move from irritations to solvable problems. I promise more energy, clarity of mind, and relief as you take care of each item.

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