
I’m sharing 7 Books that helped me craft my spiritual practice

Being called to integrate spiritual practice into your life can be challenging if you do not follow any one traditional spiritual path. Sometimes I yearned for the certainty of an atheist, but despite growing up in an unchurched family, I knew through experience there was something greater than myself before I was five. After decades of searching and trying to fit my beliefs into the ‘too small’ boxes of traditional paths, I gave up and decided to craft my own. Below are 7 books I used to help design my practice.

Everyday Spiritual Practice: Simple Pathways for Enriching Your Life edited by Scott W. Alexander. Learn how to make every day more sacred.

Learning to Dance Inside: Getting to the Heart of Meditation by George Fowler. Discover the benefits of meditation.

Writing to Wake the Soul: Opening the Sacred Conversation Within by Karen Hering. Awaken the ‘still, small voice within’.

Relig-ish: Soulful Living in a Spiritual-But-Not-Religious World by Rachelle Mee-Chapman. Creating your set of eclectic spiritual practices is a way to respond to an expanding world.

Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives by Wayne Muller. Learn to create your own Sabbath.

Create Your Personal Sacred Text: Develop and Celebrate Your Spiritual Life by Bobbi L. Parish. A step-by-step guide to writing your own scripture using selections from major sacred tests, secular sources, and your own words.

Forty Days to Begin a Spiritual Life: Today’s Most Inspiring Teachers Help You on Your Way by Maura Shaw and the editors at Skylight Paths. Set your own course of self-examination, reflection, and spiritual transformation.

These aren’t the only books I used, but the most impactful. If you, like me, don’t fit neatly into a prescribed path but feel called, perhaps they can help you start crafting your spiritual practice.