
Want more spirituality in your daily life? Plan time for these things

If you are ‘spiritual but not religious’, or even if you follow a distinct path, incorporating time for the following things will greatly enhance your connection to the Divine/Nature/All that Is.

Most denominations and paths have a practice or practices designed for their followers. As a practical mystic unattached to one path, it’s been a challenge to design a personal set of practices to deepen my connection to the Universe.

These are the things that I find essential to my daily practice. For each, I take as little or as much time as I feel led to do.

Make time for:

Reading Sacred books: I include the sacred books of many traditions, as well as books that explore other paths of spirituality. I may also read something like Karen Armstrong’s Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life.

Contemplation: I think deeply about what I have read that day. What does it mean to me? Is there a message that personally resonates?

Spiritual Journaling: This is a dedicated notebook where I write about what I am reading and interact with what I am reading and learning. I may also write prayers for those I love, for healing, and sometimes for more understanding.

Prayer: This is deliberate time dedicated to communication and interaction with the Source of All that is. I may give thanks, make a request, or express my awe. In the morning, I like to step outside and give thanks for another day.

Silence: Sometimes I do breathing meditation. More often, I actively listen to and for guidance. It always comes.

Movement: I practice walking meditation, tai chi, and free dance to gratefully stay in touch with my body.

Practicing these actions every day has deepened my spiritual experience. They may do the same for you. Craft and implement your own practice. Spirituality is very personal.