
Thoughts on Creativity and Courage

Creativity inevitably leads to change, and that takes courage. As business owners, creators, and individuals, we will be more effective if we recognize the natural fear, hesitation, and risk we face in order to create.

Rollo May summed this up in his book, The Courage to Create, when he wrote: “Creativity requires courage. The creative process is not a path paved with pure joy, but one filled with suffering, obstacles, anxiety, and frustration. Without the courage to proceed in our creations even when overcome by these unpleasant states, we will remain impotent in our ability to create anything of value.”

May touched on another aspect of creativity in the last part of the above quote. And, that is chaos, which is often the catalyst for creativity. It isn’t only the act of creating a new kind of order by reinventing or re-purposing what is outside of ourselves. There is also inner chaos.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “You must have chaos within yourself if you are to give birth to a dancing star.” Even his terminology was creative.

Not only does creativity require chaos, it requires destruction. Pablo Picasso said, “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” Now, to be clear, this destruction is most often metaphorical rather than actual destruction. If chaos is not thrust on you by outside sources, consider designing your own state of chaos.

How do you do this? By questioning your beliefs, shaking up your worldview, and throwing yourself into a challenging environment. Step out of your comfort zone, do things you wouldn’t normally do.  Remember, this destruction can be of old ways of thinking or habits, policies, procedures, or structures.

Be courageous, allow for chaos and destruction and you will form something new and valuable. You will be creative.