
The Power of a “Done” List

If you, like me, regularly forget the 8 of 10 tasks you have finished while brooding on the two you didn’t, this essay is for you. I have always been productive. However, I consistently focused on the unfinished tasks of the day. I finally came up with a solution that works for me. I’m sharing it because it might work for others.

How to begin

Create a page for the day, week, or month in a notes app on your phone or computer. Any kind of list that works for you is fine. I like to list mine daily, because that is where I have focused my attention.

It can be helpful to move your completed daily items to the weekly list and your weekly completed items to your monthly lists during your review. Some of us (looks around and raises hand) need to visually see the cumulative effect of what we have done and accomplished.

Keeping track

This can happen in several ways. Please don’t trust that you can do a wrap-up from memory at the end of the day. Trust me. Those who are wired like this will always forget to acknowledge something we have finished.

It’s best to keep track incrementally during the day. Tie your recording of finished tasks to something else that is timed.

Use whatever works for you. I use the Pomodoro method, and at the end of each focus period, before my break, I write down what I have accomplished. I also use Toggl to track and time my tasks.

You can also use interstitial journaling, a calendar, a time log, or sticky notes on the computer. Whatever works is fine.

The Payoff

Track your progress and finished tasks daily. Soon, you’ll acknowledge how much you do. I promise, it’s a game-changer.