
Foresight Solutions has had a very long gestation period.  It all started nearly 4 decades ago when I finally accepted my intuitive skills. (I come from a double line of folks who ‘know’ things, and mostly denied it.) Up until then, I was a ‘just the facts, ma’am’ investigative reporter with my feet firmly on the ground. After I accepted my intuitive gifts, I began doing readings, leading metaphysical classes, and showing others how to access their own gifts.  But, I kept this part of my life mission, completely separate from my journalism.  I even had different friends in each area.

It took a long time for me to bring those two parts together as I moved from investigative reporting to business consulting, teaching classes, and eventually becoming a serial entrepreneur.  Finally, I realized that it was a gift to have the ‘hard’ skills of observation, research, analysis, writing, and synthesizing ideas along with the ‘soft’ skills of discernment, feeling and responding to the energy a client or a business presented and, of course, my intuition. By integrating these skills together I was able to better help clients (both individuals and business owners) do what they envisioned, find better solutions, and make better decisions about their future.

So, who am I?

I’m a person with wide interests, many skills, and lots of lived experience. I’m endlessly curious and a voracious reader and seeker of information. I have a ‘popcorn’ brain full of spontaneous ideas that I am happy to share. As a serial entrepreneur, I began as a freelance journalist and moved on to being a business and marketing consultant, a workshop leader, and an intuitive leader. Later, with my husband, I published a weekly newspaper for 4+ years. operated a creperie, a restaurant, a bookstore, a marina and campground, served as a property manager, and became therapeutic respite foster parents for kids in crisis. After that, we  ‘retired’ and I became even more involved in volunteer work with foster families and birth parents as well as veterans (yes, I’m one. Go Army!)  After the passing of my husband, I am learning to be less of a Type-A (do, do, do) and how to become more of a ‘being’ person. I’m a hermit at heart, but love being part of several global networks.

About the logo

In recognition of ancient wisdom, I chose two runes to represent the work I do and the name of my company. First, because of the alpha similarity to the first letters of the Foresight Solutions and secondly, for their intrinsic meaning.  Fehu is about fulfillment.  Sowilu is about life force and vitality. It seemed natural to encase them in circle representing an old coin indicating all that we have to spend, save, and share with others.