
How to increase your odds of dying without regrets

If you want to live and die without regrets, why not take steps now? I’ve been asking myself this question since I first came across palliative nurse, Bronnie Ware’s article about the top five regrets expressed by those dying in her care. I then wondered what other dying regrets I could find. I ended up with the following list, which I have modeled on physicist Richard Feynman’s 12 problems. Below, I offer 13, a baker’s dozen. This ‘inner challenge’ has offered clarity and is life-changing. You’re invited to take the challenge with me.

How can I live a life that is true to myself, not the life that others expect of me? What is my purpose?

How can I actively build more relaxation and fun in my life, instead of working so hard?

How can I learn to have the courage to express my feelings? How can I love more?

How can I stay in touch with my friends?

How can I let myself be happier?

How can I learn to worry less?

What has to change for me to be a better parent and/or partner?

How can I learn to care less about what others think?

How can I touch more lives and inspire more people?

How can I learn to be comfortable enough to take more risks?

What has to happen for me to take better care of myself?

How can I embrace each moment as a gift and not take life for granted?

How can I learn to live in the NOW?

I have been thinking about these questions since the beginning of the year. I carry them around with me on the notes app on my phone. I journal about them daily. As with anything, when we focus thoughtfully and listen, we find we often already know at least some answers. Try it and see for yourself. It works!

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